
ISO Graph

Take a guess: What is ISO?

ISO meausres the sensitivity of the image sensor. Lower the number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain.

ISO Examples

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Aperture Graph

Take a guess: What is Aperture?

Aperture is referred to the lens diaphram opening inside the camera lens. It regulates the amount of sunlight to pass through the shutter curtain.

Aperture Examples

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Take a guess: What is the Shutter?

The shutter speed is the time in which how much light exposure you are letting in. The faster the shutter speed, the less light that is letting in. The slower the shutter speed, the more light you are letting in.

Shutter Speed Examples

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Shutter Speed

Blur Level


No Blur


Minimal Blur


Little Blur


Noticeable Blur






Very Blurry


Extremely Blurry


Most Blurred

Composition Techniques Water Pond
  1. Leading Lines
  2. Golden Rule
  3. Negative Space
  4. Foreground, Middleground, Background
  5. Centred Composition and Symmetry
  6. Frame Within the Frame
  7. Diagonals and Triangles
  8. Simplicity and Minimalism
  9. Isolate the Subject
  10. Change your Point of View

Composition Technique Examples

Click Here

Want to see an example of how to use the camera in these settings? Use the video below to learn!

Smoky Mountains

With being in Photography, I learned how to use a camera in manual setting

and I also learned how to use Photoshop. Most of the pictures I take are

not photoshopped, I enjoy the natural look on photos and if they are

Photoshopped you can really notice where the change is.

Fun with Photoshop!

Tennessee Blended

This picture is a mix of 3 different photos. The one all the way to the left is a

picture taken in Tennessee in Margaritaville. The one in the middle is

part of the sunset I saw in my backyard. The last photo on the right was

taken in the Smoky Mountains where there were little purple flowers.>>

South Carolina Blended

This picture is also a mix of 3 different photos. The one all the way to the left is a

picture taken in South Carolina during the day. The one in the middle was taken

at night in Margaritaville at the Ferris Wheel. The last photo on the right was

also taken in South Carolina but it is a sunset.^^

Favorite Photos That I Have Taken

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Need help on buying a new Camera?

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Weebly site of my photography pictures

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An inspiring Photographer

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